How excellent is your name, Lord God. Lord, you have made us a little lower than Yourself. You have crowned us with loving kindness and tender mercy. You have seated us behind no other person, because we sit together in heavenly places with Jesus Christ The Righteous, at your very right-hand, Father.

It was His will to lift you higher than you ever thought you’d be. It is His will to raise you up with Him into eternity. The Father’s Son, exalted at His very hand, you have been exalted with Him. Exalted with The Son of God unto the right hand of your God. Exalted, you are exalted, you are exalted far above all names. You, you are exalted.

As it is written, walk worthy of this calling. In Christ Jesus, by the blood of The Lamb, you have entered into covenant with The Almighty. You have been exalted to His right hand. The blood of the everlasting covenant sits before your throne as a testament to the reality of who you are and what you have been made to be.

Therefore, by my Spirit, I call you this day to walk worthy of that calling. The height, the depth, the width and the length of the love of Almighty God has broken forth upon you! As it is written in the Psalms “Why is your attention on mankind?” Because I have created you to be like me. You have been raised up and seated with Me in heavenly places, far above principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world.

It is time that you acknowledge who you are. Walk in the light as I am in the light. To walk in the light you must separate yourself from the darkness. It is a different walk. You are not of this world. I have created you to walk higher than this world! You are no more of this world than I am of this world. But you must know my ways and adapt yourself to them. My ways are higher. Much higher than you know. Much higher than Earth. Much higher than you know. Walk, walk in the height of your calling, child. Lift up your eyes and see who I am.

I am like a mirror to you, and the words I have spoken, as a mirror that reflects who you are. Fill yourself with the revelation of who I am and you will come to the truth of who you are. Because you were created to walk in the same light that I am in. In fact, as you walk in the darkness you are no longer walking according to your creation. You were not made to walk in the dark. You have been re-created. Therefore, walk in the light just as I am. Therefore walk in the light, and you will know, and you will know who I am and who you are. And who you are, and who you are, and who you are.

One last thought, children. And this is a matter of perspective, and so I ask you this afternoon to gain My perspective. As many have said before in your generation, “It’s all about Jesus.” But children, you need to understand the Godhead perspective. The Godhead that you have been joined to. For in truth, every revelation of God, every action of the Godhead toward Earth has been all about you. It is all about you.

God’s perspective is to pour Himself out like rivers of living water upon all of the Earth. That the Earth, which is you, might come forth as flowers in the field. The beautiful creation that He’s made, the Father has longed for the fruit of the Earth. And so I say to you this day, it’s all about you, children. I live, I move, I have my being for you. I have become The Son of Man. I was made your high priest, all for you. I sit at the right hand of God the Father to intercede. In your name I go before The Father, to lift you high, high unto the calling of Almighty God. I thank you for your worship, and I receive it, [as you’ve said] “It’s all about you, Jesus.” It is true that the fullness of The Father is in the Son and that fullness is the light shining and is worthy of all worship and praise, and it is equally true that every action of The Son of God, of the Holy Spirit – Ruach Hako’desh – and of Abba Father is toward you. And so walk in the light of the truth that the Godhead is for you, not against you. Everything that We have done We have done for you, to bring you unto Ourselves because of Our great love of who you are and what you will become. We made you, you are the fruit of Our bosom. You are everything to Us, God in you, the hope of great glory. In this rejoice today.