Hello dear one!

Galatians 5:1 (LEV) says,

  • The Anointed has FREED us, so stand firm in that freedom, and do not be ensnared again with the yoke of slavery. 

In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he’s addressing the Christians, because having launched their Christian experience by faith, they now are being convinced to chart a new course based on works.  (False brethren were secretly brought in to spy out the liberty which they had in Christ Jesus so that they would be brought into bondage again.

He goes on to say in Galatians 3:1,

  • Oh foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you not to be persuaded of the truth?                   

He actually had to re-explain to them that working the works of the Law is not living by faith; that no one is justified by working the works of the Law, for God has said, “The just shall live by faith.”(by believing).

So, let’s make a decision to only believe what God tells us from His Word, not by what tradition or what our culture teaches us.   

“Father, I pray for my readers today and declare your Word of Truth over them.  I pray that as they abide in Your Word, they shall know the truth and truth shall make them FREE, in Jesus Name, Amen!

Love from your ‘FREED‘ sister in Christ,

Lisa Gordon

Gordon Ministries