Good morning family!

Do you believe you will have what you say?  If so, what are you allowing to come out of your mouth?  For example, how do you talk when you are in non-religious settings, around people who aren’t Christians?  Do you evaluate YOUR WORDS, or do you just “shoot the breeze”, so you don’t appear to be too deep?

I want you to pay attention to YOUR WORDS, because whether you realize it or not, your life is the sum total of all the WORDS you have spoken.  YOUR WORDS set the very tone of your life.  If fact, YOUR WORDS are so powerful, that you can literally talk your way into victory of defeat.  

The reason YOUR WORDS carry so much weight is because you are created in the image and likeness of God Himself.  YOUR WORDS have creative power, just like God’s words.  When you speak forth WORDS, you actually release spiritual power, like dynamite.  That’s how serious the WORDS you speak are!  If you’ve spoken negative words in the past, you can change the course of your life right now by replacing those words with God’s Words.  

Psalm 45:1 says,

  • My tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.  

This means, when you speak WORDS, you are writing them on your heart; and whatever is conceived in your heart will eventually come out of your mouth and manifest in your life (see Matthew 12:34). 

I want to encourage you today about YOUR WORDS because the only way to change your life is to change the way you think and speak.  Your mouth should be used as an instrument for life and not for death.  For blessing, not cursing. 

I exhort you to take inventory of YOUR WORDS.  How do you speak every day?  Listen to yourself.  Make a course-correction by allowing faith in God’s Word to impact your speech.  The way you develop faith in His Word is by confessing it every single day.  Also, make the decision to root out any sin that may be present in your life.  Be quick to forgive and repent.  

Jesus only spoke faith-filled WORDS when he walked on this earth ~ that’s the reason He was so powerful. As a result, He experienced immediate manifestation when He spoke.  

I admonish you to take heed to these practical truths and before long, you’ll be enjoying life and seeing good days (see 1 Peter 3:10).

Watching my words today,

Lisa Gordon

Assistant Pastor

Jesus City Church