Good morning confident ones!

When it comes to living by faith and not by sight, we must understand that CONFIDENCE in God’s Word can’t be ignored.  Many times, people try to walk by faith, but just don’t have the CONFIDENCE to back up what they say they believe.  According to Hebrews 11:1, CONFIDENCE is the missing substance of faith, meaning that without it, faith won’t be able to operate properly.  The amplified bible says it this way,

  • Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].

In addition to having CONFIDENCE and assurance of the things we hope for, we must employ PATIENCE while we’re waiting for the manifestation of God’s promises.  With both of these forces working together, faith will always get results!

Family, faith is the law of God’s kingdom, and as Christians, we can’t get anything to work without it.  But CONFIDENCE in God and in His Word is like the match that ignites the faith fuse.  It’s not something that happens overnight, but is developed as you spend more and more time with God.  It’s just like us developing CONFIDENCE in certain people as we spend time with them.  We begin to know their character.

When we constantly fellowship with the Lord, meditate on His Word, and put ourselves in remembrance of His promises, we will develop ultimate trust and CONFIDENCE in Him.  The more CONFIDENT we become, the more our faith will be activated.

Hebrews 10:35 tells us to,

  • Cast not away therefore your CONFIDENCE, which hath great recompense of reward.  

So, it’s imperative that we don’t allow our CONFIDENCE to dwindle, because there’s a great reward attached to remaining steadfast in our trust in God.

Don’t forget how important it is to allow PATIENCE to have her perfect work.  Biblical PATIENCE doesn’t mean “putting up with” something.  PATIENCE is the act of maintaining CONFIDENCE in God’s Word during trials and afflictions.  When we do this, James 1:4 tells us that when PATIENCE completes the job, we will have the result we desire and we end up being complete, wanting nothing.

So, whatever our situation may be, the key is to find the solution in the Bible and to begin releasing your faith in what God has said, knowing that if we have CONFIDENCE in Him, everything we believe will surely come to pass.  He will never fail us and He honors the CONFIDENCE of the believer who trusts in Him completely.  Hallelujah!


Lisa Gordon

Assistant Pastor

Jesus City Church