Good morning victorious ones!
Do you remember in Luke 4:1 where it says,
Then Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness…
Well, for forty days, He went without food, but because of the presence of God and the power within and upon Him, He ABODE IN VICTORY! With this power, He was able to face the wild beasts of the wilderness and face every privation. He defeated the devil on every temptation, with “IT IS WRITTEN.”
Are you aware that IN THIS SAME MANNER, the Holy Spirit fell upon the disciples at Pentecost? They were anointed with the same power and went forth with great success healing the sick, raising the dead, and casting out demons, until the power of God swept through the whole earth.
It was because of this power that Peter and John were able to speak to the lame man at the Gate Beautiful and he arose and lept for joy.
When the Holy Spirit comes upon an individual, you will be changed and filled with such power and grace, you will not even know what happened to you! What do you think would happen if we ABODE IN THIS PLACE OF VICTORY?
I think we have all been trained that we always need to be doing something. I want to exhort you with this: This is only one thing that is going to accomplish the purposes of God, and that is BEING IN THE SPIRIT. It does not matter how bad things look, if
you will keep in the Spirit, you will ABIDE IN VICTORY!
Do you remember the story in Ezekiel 37 where the hand of the Lord came upon Ezekiel and brought him in the Spirit of the Lord to the valley full of dry bones? Ezekiel prophesied to those dry bones and said,
O dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord!
Nothing moved in that valley until the Word of the Lord was uttered through His prophet Ezekiel. God speaks first, then the man who is filled with the Holy Spirit hears and utters the words. The Word of God went forth through His servant, the prophet.
As soon as Ezekiel rose up, clothed with divine power and began to prophesy, there was suddenly a rattling and the bones came together, bone to bone (verse 7). Then the flesh came over them; but there was no breath in them. So, the Spirit of God said to Ezekiel (verse 9),
Prophesy to the breath and say to the breath, “Come from the four winds and breath on these slain, that they may live.”
So, Ezekiel prophesied as God commanded him and breath came into them, and they lived and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.
Hallelujah! This prophecy is for us! God wants to begin this in us! There are so many dry places in our lives and in the lives of our families and friends. I want to encourage you that the Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save.
Remember this: It is only the Spirit of God that can make the crooked straight. I exhort you to yield to the Spirit of God today so that He can have full control of all that you are. We must get into a place where we see God and know His voice so that when He sends us a message that brings life, power and victory, we are ready to deliver it.
Abiding in His victory,
Lisa Gordon
Jesus City Church