Good morning family!

The Bible isn’t just a history book filled with a collection of personal stories and facts.  The Bible is GOD’S LIVING WORD.  Hebrews 4:12 tells us that GOD’S LIVING WORD is alive and full of power!  However, we must take God’s Word off the pages of the Bbile and plant it into our hearts.  When we do, it will live, thrive, and grow within us, producing a great harvest (see Mark 4:14-20).

I want to remind you that 2 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Peter 1:21 tells us that every Scripture is given by the inspiration of God.  People received the Word directly from Him and wrote it down.  

People may wonder why God would want His Word written in a book?  It’s so that we can know His commands and keep them continually before our eyes.  Jesus said in John 14:21-24 that if we love Him, we would keep His commandments (His commands and precepts).  Our ultimate goal in life is to be conformed into the image of our Lord Jesus Christ.  When we read and study GOD’S LIVING WORD and the testimonies of those who wrote the Bible, we learn more about God’s character.  

Jesus told us in John 6:63 that the words He speaks are spirit and life.  His Words make us spiritual.  Many Christians may mislead others because they “act” spiritual.  Although we may behave in a way that seems spiritual, nothing makes us spiritual except knowing GOD’S LIVING WORD and living according to the Scriptures.  Diligently and consistently studying GOD’S LIVING WORD will cause it to live inside of you.  Jesus said in John 8:31-32, that when you know the truth, it will make you free.

I encourage you today to allow GOD’S LIVING WORD to be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path (see Psalm 119:105).  GOD’S LIVING WORD has been sent forth to heal, save, and deliver us, hallelujah!


Lisa Gordon

Assistant Pastor

Jesus City Church