Teaching you to live the Christian life

Hi,  we're Randy and Lisa Gordon,  founders of Gordon Ministries and Pastors of Jesus City Church.  Jesus City Church is an exclusively online church.  We stream LIVE twice-a-week on YouTube, Rumble and Facebook.  At Jesus City we teach how to live a powerful Christian life in a practical,  step by step way. 

Freedom is what Jesus promises.  He said, "If you continue in my word, then you are my disciples indeed, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free!"   We'll teach you the truth that will make you free!

Join us on one of our three platforms:

YouTube - Go to YouTube.com/@JesusCityChurchLIVE
Rumble - Go to Rumble.com, type JesusCityChurch in the search bar
Facebook - Go to Facebook.com, type Randy Gordon in the search bar. 

We meet Wednesdays @ 7-7:45 PM EST and Sundays @ 11 AM-12:30 PM EST.   

Come view us,

Randy and Lisa Gordon,  Jesus City Church - jesuscity.faith

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