October 14, 2024

Hello beloved!

John 17:3 says,

  • And THIS IS ETERNAL LIFE, that they may KNOW YOU, the only true God, and Jesus Christ Whom You have sent.

KNOWING GOD begins the day we are born-again. ERTERNAL LIFE has now begun!  It is not a duration of time; it is a quality of life – the quality of life that produces:

  1. PEACE instead of worry
  2. HOPE instead of dread
  3. PROVISION instead of lack
  4. HEALTH instead of sickness
  5. FAITH instead of fear

So, how do we get to KNOW GOD?  By studying His Word and walking in His ways. Also, by fellowshipping with Him through prayer, praise, and worship.

Let us take a look at Paul’s conclusion about His very prestigious life before KNOWING GOD and RECEIVING ETERNAL LIFE. We can read about it from Philippians 3:5-11 (LEV),

  • I was circumcised on the 8th day, born of the tribe on Benjamin, of the race of Israel. A Hebrew of Hebrews, and a Pharisee regarding the law.  As for being zealous in my religion, I harassed, mistreated, and persecuted the Ecclesia (the Church, the called-out ones). Regarding the law, I was blameless.  But ALL THAT I USED TO CONSIDER GAIN TO ME (like filthy lucre), I now count as nothing but a waste, damage, and loss. Yes, to be sure, I count it ALL as nothing, but damage and loss BECAUSE OF THE SUPERIORITY OF KNOWING MY MASTER JESUS THE ANOINTED, for Whom I HAVE LOST ALL THINGS which were a loss for me anyway, and count them as having been WORTHLESS AND DETESTABLE.  I’ve cast it all away so that I can gain the Anointed One.  I was to be FOUND IN HIM, not having my own righteousness out of the law, but righteousness through faith in the Anointed, which is the righteousness of God, received by faith in Jesus.  I want to KNOW HIM, to live in the power of His resurrection, to walk in the fellowship of His sufferings and become conformed to His death.  That by ALL THESE means, through the struggle and good fight of faith, I will come to the resurrection of the dead.

Wow, seriously?  “Do you mean to tell me Lisa that with ALL of Paul’s religious training, he didn’t KNOW GOD or HAVE ETERNAL LIFE?”  “NOPE!!!, he didn’t, according to the Word of God.”

KNOWING GOD has nothing to do with being religious.  Paul had it ALL and counted it all as nothing so that he might KNOW HIM!

KNOWING GOD means having a very intimate relationship with Him, like in a marriage covenant. He is not just someone we pray to when we need help and sing some songs of worship to on a Sunday morning.

KNOWING GOD is absolutely the greatest and most important thing in our lives as believers.  Without that, everything else loses meaning!

“Father, I pray that my readers would come to KNOW YOU today, in a way they did not KNOW YOU yesterday.  I ask that You, glorious Father, would give them a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that they can KNOW YOU better.  I pray that the eyes of their hearts may be enlightened in order that they may KNOW the hope which You have called them to, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Striving to KNOW HIM,

Lisa Gordon🙌🏻

Gordon Ministries and Jesus City Church✨