Merry Christmas Everyone! Philippians 4:4 says, Rejoice in The Lord ALWAYS, and again I say, rejoice!
Years ago, I made a decision to walk and live according to the Word of God. That’s the most important decision we can make in our lives! Rejoicing and expressing JOY is an essential part of every believers life. Without JOY, we won’t have the strength to to hold steady when things get tough. James 1:2 tells us to consider it pure JOY when we face trials of many kinds. How can we do this? Psalm 16:11 says, “In Your presence is fullness of JOY.” Spending time with The Lord in prayer, worship and the Word will give us the strength to overcome any obstacle in life. Love and peace to you all and have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS,
Your sister in Christ Jesus, Lisa