Dear believing one!

Jesus tells us an amaing thing in Matthew 6:25 (LEV).  He says,

  • DO NOT TAKE THOUGHT for your life, being worried and distracted about how you’re going to provide food and clothing for yourself.

He goes on to give us 2 examples of what it looks like to TAKE NO THOUGHT.  In verse 26, Jesus says:

  • Look at the birds in the sky.  Not one of them provides food for themselves by sowing, reaping and gathering into barns like you do.  No, they are fed by your Heavenly Father.  Don’t you think He’ll feed you as well, since you are much more valuable to Him than they are?

Did you hear that?  It seems to me that we’ve been sold a bill of goods about our provision that wasn’t Jesus’ intention for our lives at all!  

He says in verses 31 and 32:

  • Unbelievers labor and seek diligently after food, drink and clothing for themselves.  Your Heavenly Father knows you need food and clothing.  

Verse 33 goes on to give us the climax of Jesus’ whole point:

  • But you should not be like the unbelievers, striving and laboring hard for food and clothing.  Instead, you should be SEEKING DILIGENTLY after the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and THEN all these things WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU BY GOD.

“Heavenly Father, I ask that you give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation and enlighten the eyes of our understanding so that we can know the HOPE OF OUR CALLING, in Jesus’ Name, Amen”.

You have been made a little lower than God,

Lisa Gordon
