Good morning thankful ones!

We all have desires that God has placed in our hearts ~ things we’re believing for; situations we’re praying to turn around.

These promises start off a like a seed ~ They don’t come to pass overnight ~ There’s always a period of waiting involved.

From the time we pray until the time we see the fulfillment is called, “The trial of our faith.”  This is when people get discouraged and give up ~ They start believing the negatives thoughts:  “It’s never going to happen…It’s taking too long!”

Now, that seed is lying dorment.  It’s still alive; it still has potential, but you have to do your part and start watering the seed.  The way you water it is by THANKING GOD IN ADVANCE.  You can’t wait until you receive the promise ~ You have to THANK GOD that the answer is on the way.

If you’re struggling in your finances ~ Say all through the day, “Father, I thank You that whatever I set my hands to prospers and succeeds (Genesis 39:3).  I thank You that I’m coming out of debt (Numbers 14:8).  Thank You that Your favor surrounds me like a shield (Psalm 5:12).

When you THANK GOD IN ADVANCE for the answer, it not only waters the seed, but that strengthens your own faith.

So often we think:  “I’ll give God praise AFTER the problem turns around.”  No, if you don’t learn this principle:  TO THANK GOD IN ADVANCE, you won’t have the strength you need to WAIT for the promise.

Here’s the key:  Every time you’re tempted to worry, let that be a reminder to THANK GOD that the answer is on the way.

When you give God PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING, He gives you the strength to keep believing.  If you give into negative thoughts, you’ll start to become weak and loose your joy.  Nehemiah 8:10 says,

  • The joy of the Lord is our strength.

So, let’s catch ourselves ~ Instead of worrying, let’s turn it around and all through the day, say, “Father, I thank You that You said…” (And quote the Scriptures that apply to your case).  This is what will keep us strong during long durations of waiting for the manifestation of God’s promises in our lives.

Switch over into PRAISE.  Say, “Lord, I believe You heard me the first time I asked and I want to THANK YOU for it (whatever it might be).

When God gives us His Word on a subject, we should be totally convinced that His Word will NEVER return void without accomplishing its purpose (Isaiah 55:11).

The Scripture says in Psalm 89:34,

  • My covenant I will not break, nor alter the Word that has gone out of My lips.”

Psalm 119:89 says,

  • Forever, O LORD, Your Word is settled in heaven.”

If we’re begging God to do something, He says, “Don’t you trust Me?”  “Don’t you have the confidence that I will do what I promised?”

I’m sure it brings a smile to the Father’s face when we ask Him for something and then go around THANKING HIM for it even before we see it!  THANKING does a whole lot more than begging.

When you’re constantly giving God THANKS – telling Him how much you love Him; how great He is; how thankful you are to be His child – That causes God to want to go out of His way to be good to you!

I’ve learned that God won’t let a PRAISER be defeated!  Don’t ever loose your PRAISE.  Here are just a few things that PRAISE can do:

  1. PRAISE causes God to go to work.
  2. PRAISE breaks chains that are holding us back.
  3. PRAISE opens up supernatural doors.
  4. PRAISE causes things to fall into place.

Let’s conclude with a prayer of PRAISE and THANKSGIVING:

“Father, thank YOU for reminding us about PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING today.  We know that PRAISE binds the enemy and the avenger.  We are so THANKFUL for Your Word, for the blood of Jesus, for Your Name, and for Your promises.  We magnify You with THANKSGIVING.  Teach us to come before Your presence with THANKSGIVING and to make a joyful noise unto You at all times.  We always offer up to You the sacrifice of PRAISE and choose to walk by faith and NOT by sight.  We love You, Lord and THANK YOU and PRAISE YOU for YOU, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Thanking God today,

Lisa Gordon

Assistant Pastor

Jesus City Church