Good morning family!

We have all seen God’s favor in our lives ~ Everyone of us can say, “God’s been good to us!”  But, I believe in the coming days, God wants to show us UNPRECEDENTED FAVOR ~ That is, FAVOR THAT WE HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE!

Paul said in Ephesians 2:7 that in the ages to come, we would see the immeasurable, limitless, and surpassing greatness of His FAVOR.

What is so interesting is that Paul wrote this ages ago ~ We are living in the ages to come that Paul was talking about.

He was saying, “I’ve seen limited power, but you’re going to see UNLIMITED power, UNPRECEDENTED FAVOR!”

The word, “UNPRECENTED” means:  Unmatched, unparalleled, for the first time.

In other words, you may have seen God’s favor in the past, but you need to get ready ~ You have not seen anything yet!

What God has in your future is going to be bigger, better, greater ~ UNPRECEDENTED! He is going to show you His goodness in ways like you have never seen before!

Now, we have to get in agreement with God, so get up every morning and say, “Father, thank You for your UNPRECEDENTED FAVOR!”

I found there is a direct correlation between declaring favor and receiving favor!

It is not enough to just think about it ~ Words give life to your faith! Something supernatural happens when you say, “Father, I’m expecting UNPRECEDENTED FAVOR!

A lot of people do just the opposite ~ They go through the day saying, “I never get any good breaks; I’ll never get well; I’ll never get out of debt!”

They do not realize that with their words, they are setting the limits for their lives.

If we will release our faith for God’s UNPRECEDENTED FAVOR, and believe that it is coming our way, we will see God show up and do amazing things!


Lisa Gordon💖

Gordon Ministries and Jesus City Church✨