Merry Christmas, family!

Every Christmas we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Christmas can also be a time when we celebrate THE MANIFESTATION OF IMPOSSIBILITIES.

When the Angel of the LORD came to Mary with the good news that she would conceive a Child without a man’s involvement, she thought the situation was IMPOSSIBLE; however, she decided to believe God’s Word. Her great faith teaches us a profound lesson today ~ with God, nothing shall be IMPOSSIBLE.

We can develop legendary faith by believing like Mary did, that with God, nothing shall be IMPOSSIBLE (Luke 1:37).  God is waiting for people who will believe that He can do the IMPOSSIBLE.

Mary answered the Angel with this reply, “Be it unto me according to thy Word” (Luke 1:38).

To receive God’s Word means to take possession of it.  We have to accept what God’s Word says, no matter how difficult it may be to believe.  

Mary had to face the fact that no one, not even her fiancé, would believe her story, but Mary’s faith demonstrated her ability to trust God despite obstacles. Likewise, we can have faith for the IMPOSSIBLE situations we deal with every day.  However, we must find out what God’s Word says about the issue and take possession of His Word.

I want to encourage you, because God has already placed within our born-again spirits the ability to do anything!  So, in order to see IMPOSSIBILITIES MANIFEST in our lives, we must acknowledge that we are not mere men and women, but sons and daughters of the Most High God.

Believing the IMPOSSIBLE,

Lisa Gordon🙌🏻

Gordon Ministries and Jesus City Church✨