Posts from 2016

7180 of 367 items

THE WORD ON OUR LIPS – October 22, 2016

by Lisa Gordon

Hello dear ones! We’ve all spoken jokingly or playfully at one time or another, but how differently would people speak if they truly believed in their words?  Statements like, “That makes me sick”, or “This is what kills me…” would quickly disappear from our lips.  What I exhort you to do today is to put […]


by Lisa Gordon

Good morning thankful ones! When we give God our THANKS and praise the way the Bible tells us to, we release supernatural authority over whatever situation we are facing.  Biblical THANKSGIVING isn’t just a worldly holiday tradition or a religious activity, but rather an everyday spiritual tool.  It frees us from stress and pressure while […]

WALK IN THE SPIRIT – October 20, 2016

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning spirit-led ones! I want to ask you a question?  Why do Christians still sin?  What’s the matter?  When we become born again, our human spirits are recreated and we receive the nature of God, but our minds and bodies are still the same.  That’s why it’s imperative after we’re born again that we […]

ETERNAL REDEMPTION – October 19, 2016

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning redeemed ones! To be REDEEMED means to be bought back, delivered, or freed from something or someone.  ETERNAL REDEMPTION is eternal deliverance.  Jesus sacrificed His life, once and for all, so that we could be bought back from satan’s control and eternal damnation. Colossians 1:13-14 states, Who delivered us out of the authority […]

ANSWERED PRAYER – October 18, 2016

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning sweet ones! I want to encourage you today about ANSWERED PRAYER.  The power of our prayer life will determine the power of our success and Christian witness.  It’s so important that we life with confidence and purpose, knowing how to receive ANSWERS TO OUR PRAYERS.  Our ANSWERED PRAYERS will draw others into the […]

FAITH IN THE WORD OF GOD – October 17, 2017

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning dear ones! FAITH grows out of the WORD OF GOD, and we’re to make His Word our final authority in life.  Romans 10:17 says, So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.  See, the written Word of God prepares us to hear the voice behind the Word.  While […]

GOD’S COUNSEL – October 16, 2016

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning beloved! As Christians, it’s so important that what we believe in is based on the Word of God.  It must be our final authority when push comes to shove.  If we don’t diligently study God’s Word, we’re at risk of hearing someone else’s ideas and inadvertently making them our own.  Psalm 1:1a, 2 […]

THE REALITIES OF HEAVEN – October 15, 2016

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning family! I want to encourage you today about THE REALITIES OF HEAVEN.  Where are the believers and unbelievers who have passed?  The answers to these questions can be found in the Word of God.   Before Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to heaven, there was a place in the center of the earth where […]

GOD’S LIVING WORD – October 14, 2016

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning family! The Bible isn’t just a history book filled with a collection of personal stories and facts.  The Bible is GOD’S LIVING WORD.  Hebrews 4:12 tells us that GOD’S LIVING WORD is alive and full of power!  However, we must take God’s Word off the pages of the Bbile and plant it into […]

THE WAR OF THE SENSES – October 13, 2016

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning dearly beloved! I want to encourage you today because Galatians 5:18-19 shows us that there’s A WAR OF THE SENSES against our recreated spirits.  It says, But if you are guided (led) by the [Holy] Spirit, you are not subject to the Law.  Now the doings (practices) of the flesh are clear (obvious): […]