Posts from October 2019

110 of 32 items

ATTEND TO GOD’S WORD – November 1, 2019

by Lisa Gordon

Hello dearly loved by God! Proverbs 29:18 (MSG) says, • If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; but when they attend to what He reveals, they are most blessed. This is such an amazing truth! That is why we are told in Proverbs 4:20-22, • My son, give attention […]

TRUE JOY – October 31, 2019

by Lisa Gordon

Hello joyful ones! Most people want to experience JOY and some people spend their entire lives pursuing it. The world’s definition of JOY can be defined as an emotional state of being or a feeling of elation, but many people miss the mark when searching exclusively for it. This definition of JOY is incomplete and impartial […]


by Lisa Gordon

Good morning believing ones! There is a difference between BELIEVING WITH THE HEART and trying to understand spiritual things with your mind. BELIEVING WITH THE HEART is what gets results in the kingdom of God. Mark 11:23 and Romans 10:10 says that we BELIEVE WITH THE HEART.  The word “heart” is often used to describe […]


by Lisa Gordon

Hello dear ones! When I am out and about, a lot of people ask me “What religion are you?” The word “religion” was derived from a Latin word that describes a “return to bondage.” Religion is a lifestyle that is based on repetitive formulas, not necessarily a relationship with Jesus. As Christians, our goal is […]

FROM DEATH TO LIFE – October 28, 2019

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning blessed ones! As Christians, we not only have a new life but we also have been freed from the bondage of sin. Jesus’ death made it possible for us to be free from sin’s control. Now, it is through Jesus that God sees us. In this way, we are “in” Jesus Christ. We […]


by Lisa Gordon

Good morning redeemed ones! When God told Adam and Eve they would “die”, He was referring to the curse of SPIRITUAL DEATH.  After being separated from God in the garden of Eden, man became the slave of sin and death.   In Genesis 2:17 we read about the first curse to come upon man as […]

WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST JESUS – October 26, 2019

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning family! Do you really know who you are? I am not talking about who you are because of your parents, your background, or your upbringing. I am talking about WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST JESUS! Most people know who they are in the natural realm as it relates to their family but when […]

GOD CHERISHES YOU – October 25, 2019

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning dear ones! Taking into consideration all that God has created, it is amazing that He cherishes and treasures mankind above all else! When we truly begin to understand God’s thoughts towards us, we will never accept defeat in our lives or think of ourselves as people unworthy of His goodness. In Psalm 8:3-6 […]

CONFIRMING THE WORD – October 24, 2019

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning dear ones! When we preach the Word of God they way the Bible tells us to, we should not stop at simply talking about it! Jesus always spoke the truth and backed up His Word with action. In Mark 16:15-20 we read, • And He (Jesus) said to them, “Go into all the […]


by Lisa Gordon

Good morning family!  I want to encourage you today to REMIND GOD OF HIS PROMISES.   One of the most powerful ways to pray is to find a promise in the Scripture and REMIND GOD what HE said about you.  For example, • “Father, You said, I’m blessed and cannot be cursed”  (Numbers 23:20). • […]