Posts from September 2023

110 of 15 items

SPIRITUAL TRAINING – September 30, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning warriors!  I would like to share with you a checklist that I was taught concerning how to GROW SPIRITUALLY.   Peter exhorts us in 2 Peter 3:18 to, Just like an athlete trains hours and hours every day for years to enter a marathon or the Olympics, we are to TRAIN OURSELVES SPIRITUALLY.   Meditating on the Word of […]

REMIND GOD OF HIS PROMISES – September 27, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning family! I want to encourage you today to REMIND GOD OF HIS PROMISES. One of the most powerful ways to pray is to find a promise in the Scripture and remind God what HE said about you. * Father, You said, “I’m blessed and cannot be cursed.”  (Numbers 23:20) * Father, You said, “With long life, You’d satisfy me.”  (Psalm 91:16) * Father, You said, […]

THE BLESSING OF GOD – September 26, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Hello blessed ones! THE BLESSING OF GOD is released through words!  When God blessed mankind, He spoke words over them.  So, likewise, we must SPEAK THE BLESSING OF GOD over ourselves and our children. Ephesians 1:3 (GW) says, THE BLESSING OF GOD cannot be released without words being spoken.  In Genesis 1:22, we see that when God blessed mankind, He spoke words.  It says, To BLESS means to speak well […]

FAITH COMES BY HEARING – September 21, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning dearly beloved!👋🏻 Romans 10:17 says, This is how our faith grows ~ by hearing the Word of God.  The more Word we get, the more our faith develops. When you saturate your life with God’s Word, you will take your faith to the next level. Faith is imparted to us by our heavenly Father and […]

DON’T BECOME WEARY – September 20, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Hello strong ones! I want to encourage you by answering this question: “What do you do when you have initiated a faith action but have not seen results?  Well, if you become skillful in waiting with patient endurance, there will never be a time when you will not see a harvest from the seeds you have sown in […]

BE STEADFAST – September 19, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Hello STEADFAST ones in the LORD! Psalm 112:1, 6-8 says, I love the word, “STEADFAST“.  It means: Whoa, family! – This is who YOU become when you fear the LORD and delight greatly in His Word! Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of this man who walks by faith: In 1 Corinthians 15:58, we are exhorted to: This […]

FAITH AND HOPE IN GOD – September 18, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning beloved! In the book of first Peter, chapter 1, we see that the Jews were dispersed from Israel and living as strangers outside of their native country because of the persecution from following the Lord Jesus Christ. Peter begins to exhort us in verse 3, reminding us that according to God’s vast mercy, we have been regenerated. […]

IF YOU CAN BELIEVE – September 15, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning believing ones! Jesus says in Mark 9:23, I want you to underline and highlight that in your Bibles – ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE. Look at this from the Message Bible: Let’s review the word, “IMPOSSIBLE”:  Something that can’t be done or capable of occuring or being accomplished. How many times have you […]

CAST YOUR CARES ON THE LORD – September 13, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning carefree ones! I want to encourage you today to CAST YOUR CARES ON THE LORD!  1 Peter 5:6-7 says, Did you notice that being humble means to CAST YOUR CARES ON THE LORD?  The reason you are being humble is because you are not taking the care, trying to figure it all out on your own.  You […]


by Lisa Gordon

Good morning prayerful ones! PRAYER is a powerful tool for living a victorious Christian life. The Apostle Paul advises the church in Thessalonica to “pray without ceasing” (see 1 Thessalonians 5:17). Even before Jesus was arrested and crucified on the cross, He asked Peter in the Garden on Gethsamane, “Could you not watch with Me one hour?” […]