Posts from 2017

141150 of 364 items

A STRONG FOUNDATION – August 13, 2017

by Randy Gordon

Good morning glorious ones! A STRONG FOUNDATION is the basis for everything, and our spiritual lives are no different.  As Christians the first foundation we must understand is the foundation of righteousness.  When we begin to understand how this operates in our lives, blessings will come our way.   But this doesn’t just happen automatically […]

DON’T LET YOUR GUARD DOWN – August 13, 2017

by Randy Gordon

Hello beautiful ones! The world has many way of thinking and many different philosophies, but not all of these are in line with God’s Word.  We have developed our own peculiar set of values and standards, but because Satan is the god of this world, secular ways of thinking have become tainted (see 2 Corinthians […]

“SOZO” – August 11, 2017

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning beloved! “SOZO” is a greek word that you will find throughout the New Testament.  It is always interpreted as “Salvation”, but has a much broader meaning than just being saved. “SOZO” is a pervading, all-encompassing peace and wholeness that restores, preserves, and saves.  I learned it like this:  “SOZO” means: saved, healed, delivered, […]

HEIRS OF GOD – August 10, 2017 

by Randy Gordon

Good morning beloved! Did you know that the Scripture declares in Galatians 4:6-7 that we are HEIRS OF GOD THROUGH CHRIST?  This is what it says from the Message Bible, We have been set free to experience our rightful heritage.  You can tell for sure that you are now fully adopted as His Own children […]

BEING IN CHRIST – August 9, 2017

by Randy Gordon

Good morning family of God! When we line up our thinking with God’s Word, everything changes.  No matter what is happening in our lives, His Word makes the difference between success and failure.  Christians who try to live without the Word of God will encounter trouble.  See, when we are born-again, our spirit changes, but […]

TIMES OF REFRESHING – August 8, 2017

by Randy Gordon

Good morning dear ones! When we allow the Holy Spirit to have free reign in our lives, we will experience His REFRESHING.  God doesn’t want us to miss out on any of His blessings.  In order for us to be ready to experience His continuous TIMES OF REFRESHING, we must live in constant anticipation and […]

THE FAVOR OF GOD – August 7, 2017

by Randy Gordon

Hello highly favored of God! I love THE FAVOR OF GOD.  FAVOR is defined as something granted to us by His goodwill, rather than for justice of payment.  It’s the showing of unusually preferential treatment. Psalm 5:12 says, For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous, with FAVOR You will surround him as with a […]

HOW TO RESPOND IN FAITH – August 5, 2017

by Randy Gordon

Good morning family of God! When life throws us a challenge that requires a RESPONSE, there are many ways we can choose to RESPOND.  If we want a positive outcome, the RESPONSE we give in the middle of that challenge is important.  How we RESPOND determines what happens next, and A FAITH RESPONSE will always […]

WHY SPEAK IN TONGUES – August 4, 2017

by Randy Gordon

Good morning beloved! The Bible is the spiritual roadmap for our lives, but the devil will do anything he can to keep us from believing what’s in it.  One way to defeat his efforts is to PRAY IN TONGUES.  SPEAKING IN TONGUES is talking directly to God, and  it’s a foreign language to anyone operating […]


by Randy Gordon

Good morning warriors of the Lord! When we accept the authority Jesus gave us, we realize that we have the ability to withstand the devil’s lies, strategies, and deceit.  The devil can’t force us to do anything ~ the only power he has is deception.  As Christians, we are righteous, holy, sancitified, and perfect.  But […]