Posts from 2017

211220 of 364 items

CHOOSE TO BELIEVE – June 3, 2017

by Randy Gordon

Good morning believers! Did you know that God CHOSE YOU?  John 15:16 (NIV) says: You did not CHOOSE Me, but I CHOSE you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit – fruit that will last – so that whatever you ask in My Name the Father will give you. God has CHOSEN […]


by Randy Gordon

Good morning family of God! Have you ever been provided for SUPERNATURALLY BY GOD?  It’s the most wonderful thing in the world!  All through the Old and New Testament are stories of GOD’S SUPERNATURAL PROVISION.  Let’s take a look at a few. First of all, we can see from Genesis 26:13-14 that Isaac reaped a […]

THE GOODNESS OF GOD – June 1, 2017

by Randy Gordon

Good morning my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I love THE GOODNESS OF GOD!  God has been so good to us for so many years, there wouldn’t be enough room to tell it. Did you know that all of God’s spiritual blessings are already inside of you because the Lord Jesus is in you? […]

A STRONG SPIRIT – May 31, 2017

by Randy Gordon

Good morning strong ones! Proverbs 18:14 (AMP) says, The STRONG SPIRIT of a man sustains him in bodily pain or trouble, but a weak and broken spirit, who can raise up or bear? See, A STRONG SPIRIT makes a way for God to move.  But, if you are talking doubt and unbelief, it shuts the […]

THE LOVE OF GOD – May 30, 2017

by Randy Gordon

Good morning beloved! There is a word in the Greek language that means LOVE and that word is “agape“.  This word is a covenant word.  In other words, it has nothing to do with your love; it has to do with God’s unconditional love.  God’s love for you is based on His character, not your […]


by Randy Gordon

Good morning family of God! In Hebrews 3:1, Christianity is called, a “profession“.  The Greek word, “profession” is the same word as “CONFESSION“.  It says, Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of OUR CONFESSION, Christ Jesus… This word, “CONFESSION” means to say the same thing as God […]


by Randy Gordon

Good morning dear ones! GOD’S CREATIVE POWER is available to you ~ it’s called FAITH!  When you are born-again, you can put FAITH to work and receive all that God’s Word promises you! I exhort you to practice using your FAITH on a daily basis ~ This will cause your FAITH to develop.  For example, […]

HEALED AND FREE – May 27, 2017

by Randy Gordon

Good morning family! Did you know that GOD’S WORD IS MEDICINE?  I take it every day.  I call them my “GOS-PILLS“.  I confess Scriptures like Exodus 15:26, …For I Am the LORD that healeth thee. Then, I take that medicine by declaring, “You are the LORD that heals me.  You are watching over Your Word […]


by Randy Gordon

Good morning dear ones! Acts 3:16 says that TIMES OF REFRESHING come from the presence of the LORD!  God desires to REFRESH you, to lift all the oppression that is holding you down, and to heal and deliver you so you can develop a greater passion for Him and for this lost and dying world. […]

COME TO KNOW HIM – May 25, 2017

by Randy Gordon

Good morning glorious ones ! I believe that you desire to KNOW GOD more and more every day, just like the Apostle Paul did.  He said in Philippians 3:10, For my determined purpose is that I MAY KNOW HIM [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and […]