Posts from March 2023

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THE EARLY CHURCH – March 21, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Hello Church! As I was reading through Acts chapter 5, I noticed that in THE EARLY CHURCH, no lies could exist.  God is building His Church today and wants it full of purity and holiness unto the Lord.  Ephesians 5:25-27 says, Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her that He might […]

GREATER WORKS – March 20, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning beloved! Let us take a look together at three very powerful verses of Scripure.  JESUS, our Lord said in John 14:12-14, Oh, glory to God!  I am so filled with joy just looking at them.  I cherish the words of Jesus so much ~ they are all so lovely.  Jesus promised us that not one word shall fail!  We may fail, […]

THIRSTING AFTER GOD – March 19, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning thirsty one! I love the words of Jesus from Matthew 5:6.  It says, I know that only God can satisfy my THIRST.  I also know that the man (or woman) who wants to be filled with a zeal for God’s work on this earth can only possess it if he is THIRSTY after God.  This is what Jesus had ~ a great longing […]

NO CONDEMNATION – March 18, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Hello beloved! Kindly take a look with me at Romans 8:1-2.  It says, There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.  For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. […]


by Lisa Gordon

Good morning church! In John 7:38 Jesus said, The reference to what is flowing out of the believing ones belly is the Holy Spirit.  Instruction comes out of your spirit by the Holy Spirit.  When God gives instruction, that’s the river.  If you can learn how to follow the Holy Spirit, He will lead you and guide you to the […]

THE HEARING OF FAITH – March 16, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Hello beloved! God told Abraham he would be blessed coming and and blessed going out; blessed in the city, in the field, and in everything he set his hand to.  Genesis 24:1 says, The LORD has blessed Abraham in all things. Another translation says Abraham was blessed in every area of life.  What a way to live!  This is […]


by Lisa Gordon

Hello life-filled ones! I love the story of the woman with the issue of blood and Jairus’ daughter being raised from the dead in Mark 5:21-43. God’s Word is so wonderful ~ it is THE IMPARTATION OF THE LIFE of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus came to give us eternal LIFE and He also came to make our […]


by Lisa Gordon

Hi empowered ones!👋🏻 I want to encourage you today that there is undeniable POWER IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS, however, if we do not know about it, we cannot have faith in it.  We must have faith in THE BLOOD OF JESUS in order to appropriate it daily. With Easter just around the corner, I am reminded of the […]

THE FAVOR OF GOD – March 13, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Hello highly favored of God!👋🏻 I love THE FAVOR OF GOD ~ there is nothing like it!  Every morning, before I leave my house, I claim THE FAVOR OF GOD and expect it everywhere I go!  I could tell you story after story about how GOD’S FAVOR has surrounded us like a shield. We have come to depend on GOD’S FAVOR.  I believe that THE FAVOR […]

RIGHTEOUSNESS – March 12, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Hello righteous ones! When we become born again, we received God’s gracious gift of RIGHTEOUSNESS, which is right standing with Him.  The only thing we ever have to do to receive this gift is to accept it.  We receive it by faith, just as we receive salvation.  From this point, God wants us to develop our faith until we […]