Posts from October 2023

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THE TEMPLE OF GOD – October 13, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Hello beloved!  1 Corinthians 3:16 (LEV) says, Verse 17 goes on to say, Wow, family – Whew! Let me ask you this question? Did God give us human bodies to use and abuse as we like, or does He expect more?  How does He expect us to view and care for the marvelous bodies He designed? Well, […]

THE SPIRIT OF GOD – October 12, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Hello children of God! 1 love 1 Corinthians, chapter 2 – It talks about the contrast between the spirit of the world and THE SPIRIT OF GOD. I adore the fact that even though Paul was a Hebrew scholar, he tells us in Philippians 3 that the things that were gain to him, he counted as loss for the excellency of knowing Christ Jesus. […]

TRUST GOD DAILY – October 11, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Hello trusting ones, I want to exhort you today to TRUST GOD DAILY.  This is what the Lord was trying to teach the children of Israel in the wilderness. He told them through Moses in Exodus 16:19, Yet the children of Israel began disobeying His command and kept trying to store up the manna so that they […]

THE BEAUTY OF HOLINESS – October 8, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning beautiful ones! Psalm 96:9 says, I love the word, “HOLY“.  It is so beautiful and comely to my heart.   The word, “HOLY” means to be separated from; to be uncommon.   In 1 Peter 1:15-16 we read an amazing scripture, Whoa, family!  Have you ever heard people say in the body of Christ, “I’m just a worm in the […]

THE GOD OF ALL COMFORT – October 5, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning precious ones! Did you know that our God is THE GOD OF ALL COMFORT?   2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (Amp) says,  Isn’t that wonderful news?   COMFORT is something we all need, living as Christians in this crooked and perverse generation (Philippians 2:15), so I believe that is why Jesus said in John 14:16, Oftentimes, when people face hard things […]

SAFE FROM ALL HARM – October 4, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Hello safe ones! When we have confidence in God’s Word, it will chase away our fears.  Fear is satan’s weapon against us and it gives him access into our lives. Every day we hear news reports about various tragedies happening around the word, but when we trust in God’s covenant promises to us, we are SAFE […]


by Lisa Gordon

Hello glorious ones in whom is all God’s delight! According to the Word of God, we have been given SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY  over everything in heaven, in earth, and under the earth.  The mistaken belief that God is in complete control is contradicted when we read in the book of Genesis that He gave Adam and Eve AUTHORITY over all the earth (see Genesis 1:26-28). Because […]