Posts from 2023

8190 of 289 items

BE SINGLE-MINDED – August 22, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning family!👋🏻☀️ From a young age, the world drills into us the message, “work hard and make a living”.  Most people have unquestioningly accepted that mindset, but it reinforces self-reliance instead of reliance on God.  When we struggle with the double-edged sword of trying to live up to the world’s standards or face condemnation, […]

WHERE IS YOUR TREASURE? – August 21, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning beloved! Trust is so important to God and He wants us to trust Him above all else.  Giving financially is one way we can prove ourselves that we trust Him completely.  God does not need our money, only our trust, but many people are afraid to part with any of “their” money because they see […]

BE CONSISTENT – August 20, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good afternoon consistent ones! Luke 13:18-19 (NKJV) says, If you want to grow in the kingdom of God, you will need to do it just like a seed that has been planted in the ground.   Let me ask you this – How does a seed grow?  All at once?  No, it grows CONSTANTLY – 24 hours a […]


by Lisa Gordon

Hello excellent ones in whom is all God’s delight! God is trying to teach us through the Scriptures about THE TREMENDOUS POWER OF GIVING.  In both the Old and New Testaments, we can see the results of GENEROUS GIVING and we are taught to GIVE GENEROUSLY and with the right motivation.  The world will always come up […]


by Lisa Gordon

Good morning glorious ones!   THE HOLY SPIRIT is the most important gift heaven has ever given us, and as Christians, we cannot live a successful life without Him.  It is THE HOLY SPIRIT Who guides us when we speak in tongues, which is an effective tool in shutting down and disabling the devil.   Also, God has given […]


by Lisa Gordon

Good evening soldiers in the army of the Lord! When we are FIGHTING SPIRITUAL BATTLES, we should pay close attention to what we have learned from the Scriptures!   Hebrews 2:1 (AMPC) says,  Family, we are FIGHTING IN A SPIRITUAL WAR and we need the weapons God supplied.  2 Corinthians 10:3-5 says,  These weapons will pull down strongholds […]

ENTERING INTO HIS REST – August 16, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning beloved!   God wants to give REST to whoever is weary and burdened, but we must come to Him in order to ENTER INTO HIS REST.  Matthew 11:28-30 (NLT) says, This promise of REST has been available for the taking since the beginning of time, and all that is required for us to reach this […]

IS GOD IN CONTROL? – August 14, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Greetings, Family! How many of my readers believe that GOD IS IN CONTROL?  Well, if you do, you’ve got about 90% of the church in agreement with you, but let us see what the Word of God has to say about this! Genesis 1:26-27 says,  So, to recap, LET MAN HAVE DOMINION over ALL THE EARTH. Now, let us […]

“SOZO” – August 11, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning beloved! “SOZO” is a greek word that you will find throughout the New Testament.  It is always interpreted as “Salvation”, but has a much broader meaning than just being saved. “SOZO” is a pervading, all-encompassing peace and wholeness that restores, preserves, and saves.  I learned it like this:  “SOZO” means: saved, healed, delivered, […]

BEING IN CHRIST – August 9, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning family of God! When we line up our thinking with God’s Word, everything changes. No matter what is happening in our lives, His Word makes the difference between success and failure. Christians who try to live without the Word of God will encounter trouble. See, when we are born-again, our spirit changes, but […]