Posts from October 2024

4 Items


by Lisa Gordon

October 14, 2024 Hello beloved! John 17:3 says, KNOWING GOD begins the day we are born-again. ERTERNAL LIFE has now begun!  It is not a duration of time; it is a quality of life – the quality of life that produces: So, how do we get to KNOW GOD?  By studying His Word and walking […]


by Lisa Gordon

October 13, 2024 Hello beloved!  1 Corinthians 3:16 (LEV) says, Verse 17 goes on to say, Wow, family – Whew! Let me ask you this question? Did God give us human bodies to use and abuse as we like, or does He expect more?  How does He expect us to view and care for the marvelous bodies […]


by Lisa Gordon

October 12, 2024 Hello children of God! 1 love 1 Corinthians, chapter 2 – It talks about the contrast between the spirit of the world and THE SPIRIT OF GOD. I adore the fact that even though Paul was a Hebrew scholar, he tells us in Philippians 3 that the things that were gain to him, he counted as loss for the excellency of […]

BE WATCHFUL – October 10, 2024

by Lisa Gordon

Hello dear ones! 2 Timothy 4:5 says, • But YOU BE WATCHFUL in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. I love “lists” because you are able to see a quick, concise record of things you can immediately apply to your life. In this daily word of encouragement, I […]