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by Lisa Gordon

Good morning warriors of the Lord! When we accept the authority Jesus gave us, we realize that we have the ability to withstand the devil’s lies, strategies, and deceit. The devil cannot force us to do anything ~ the only power he has is deception.  As Christians, we are righteous, holy, sancitified, and perfect.  But […]

ABIDING IN GOD’S WORD – August 2, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning glorious ones! When you confessed Jesus as the Lord of your lives, you inherited all of the promises in the Word of God.  Living in God’s Word brings us under the umbrella of protection, so that we lack for nothing.  When we begin to live in Him, it is no ordinary life, but […]

ENTER INTO GOD’S REST – August 1, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good afternoon dear ones! As born-again believers under God’s new covenant, we now find our RESTin Jesus, Who literally is the Word of God. When we say we are resting in Jesus, this means we find our confidence in, and rely on the entire Bible.  We must recognize that Jesus is both a Person in the New Testament […]

GOD IS GOOD – July 31, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning family of God! Psalm 118:1 says, GOD’S GOODNESS is manifested in many ways.  He wants us to experience HIS GOODNESS in our everyday lives, so that we can live the way He wants us to live right now.  As believers, we should all desire to live in the GOODNESS OF GOD and demonstrate it to the world. From the […]


by Lisa Gordon

Good afternoon beloved! I want to ask you a question? “Have you ever been so agitated by someone or something that you completely lost your peace?” Becoming agitated and angry because of people, situations, and circumstances can become a pattern of behavior that will rob you of your joy and peace. Agitation is really a […]


by Lisa Gordon

Good morning blessed ones! THE BLESSING of God is released through words.  When God BLESSEDman, He spoke words over Him.  He said in Genesis 1:22 (ESV), So, likewise, we must speak THE BLESSING over ourselves and our children.  Finding Scriptures that talk about THE BLESSING of God and then thanking God for BLESSING us, is not a vain repetition, but a spiritual necessity. Ephesians 1:3 says, To bless means to […]

TOTAL PROSPERITY  – July 28, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning dearly beloved! The starting point to our TOTAL PROSPERITY in life is having a genuine, personal relationship with the Lord Jesus.  We obtain TOTAL PROSPERITYby depending on God’s ability, not our own.  When the Lord Jesus cried, “It is finished” on the cross, that meant that everything was done – Your healing, your deliverance, and your TOTAL […]


by Lisa Gordon

Good morning covenant partners! God wants us to be mindful of the COVENANT He made with Abraham.  Often, when many of us think of a COVENANT, we think of an old custom from Biblical times that does not apply to us today. However, the Abrahamic COVENANT is just as relevant today as it was in Abraham’s day. The Bible says […]

BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD – July 25, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning family of God! Jesus is THE LAMB OF GOD, slain for our deliverance.  We have to begin to develop our faith in the blood of THE LAMB.  His sacrifice gave us the right to eternal life, peace, joy, health, liberty, deliverance, and forgiveness of sin.  Jesus’ shed blood also gives us the right to come before God […]

BELIEVE GOD’S WORD – July 24, 2023

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning believers! Many Christians are feeling the pressure of financial challenges. Mounting financial lack on top of other problems can be overwhelming.  Despite what we may be experiencing, we must continue to BELIEVE GOD’S WORD.  We cannot adopt a worldly mindset, placing the world’s way of doing things above God and His Word.  He has the power to […]