Good morning brothers and sisters in Christ!

Did you ever wonder HOW GOD SEES YOU?  If so, there is one thing you can be sure of ~ He does not see you the way other people see you or the way you see yourself.  If you are a born-again child of Almighty God, He onlysees you through the blood of Jesus Christ ~ not by your sins, weaknesses, or shortcomings. The moment you became a child of God, you were made eternally righteous by faith.

We should only see ourselves as righteous in God’s eyes.  But when we look at ourselves through the flesh, we will focus on our sins and flaws.  Then the enemy jumps on the bandwagon and points out all the things that make us feel imperfect and worthless.  In other words, he amplifies our wrongs and condemns us.  This is his crafty way of convincing us that we must somehow work to earn our salvation and right-standing with God.

Remember this family ~ once God declares a blessing or a covenant, it is forever.  How can the enemy accuse a person who knows he or she is eternally right with God?

It is so important to know that we can either receive God’s blessings or walk away from them. Unfortunately, many people are not experiencing His blessings because they will not receive them by faith.  One way we can receive His blessings is by reading His Word and finding out what He has already given us through His promises.  One of those blessings is the gift of righteousness through Christ Jesus.

Romans 5:17 (NLT) says,

  • For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many.  But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and His gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this One Man, Jesus Christ.

Our faith in our right-standing with God establishes our identity in Christ Jesus.  We can receive all that Jesus died for us to have, which includes healing, deliverance, and prosperity.  Even when we miss the mark (sin), we can still declare by faith our right standing with God.  We do not have to do certain religions things to earn our righteousness. However, when we receive God’s gift of righteousness, we will do righteous things.

When we have faith in our right- standing with God, we will see ourselves as God sees us and begin to miraculously change from the inside out.

Seeing myself as God sees me,

Lisa Gordon💐

Gordon Ministries and Jesus City Church🌟