Posts from November 2016

2130 of 30 items

TWO KINGDOMS – November 10, 2016

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning family! There are TWO KINGDOMS in operation at all times ~ the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of God.  Jesus is the King of the kingdom of God, which is based on love.  Satan rules the darkness, which operates through what is called the “world” and is based in selfishness.  We can’t […]

ABIDE IN JESUS – November 9, 2016

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning dear one! When we confess Jesus as the Lord of our lives and truly believe it, we inherit all of the promises we read about in God’s Word.  Living in God’s Word brings us under the umbrella of His protection, so that we won’t lack for anything.  Psalm 23:1 says, The LORD is […]

RESIST THE DEVIL – November 8, 2016

by Lisa Gordon

Hello blessed one! If you want to RESIST THE DEVIL the way the Bible tells you to, you must submit yourself to God’s authority.  All power belongs to God and you’ve been given the authorization and the right to use it on all levels.  The Scriptures tells us that the devil will only leave us […]


by Lisa Gordon

Hello covenant believers! Every believer has a right to GOD’S COVENANAT PROTECTION, but we must continually confess the Word and abide in God’s presence in order to have access to it.  God wants to be involved in your PROTECTION.  Trust Him, and not your own ability, to ensure that you remain secure in these last […]

SPIRITUAL WARFARE – November 6, 2016

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning warriors of the Lord! SPIRITUAL WARFARE isn’t fighting with other people; it’s fighting against wicked spiritual forces.  Ephesians 6:12 says, For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalaties, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against SPIRITUAL hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Jesus […]

OUR CONFESSION OF FAITH – November 5, 2016

by Lisa Gordon

Hello family! Did you know that any doubt or unbelief is easily detected in our speech?   The words we say indicate whether we’re believing the Word of God or not.  If we want to grow our faith and starve our doubt, we must begin to CONFESS the Word of God.  Our CONFESSION not only […]

BE PLEASING TO GOD – November 4, 2016

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning precious ones! God will always love us, however, He’s not always pleased with our behavior.  It’s so important to PLEASE GOD because our actions will determine how we’ll spend eternity.  As born-again believers, we’ll go to heaven, however, the way in which we live here will determine how we’ll live in heaven.  God […]


by Lisa Gordon

Good morning precious ones! Do you know that THE MOST WONDERFUL LIFE POSSIBLE is a life of faith in the Son of God?  When you live this way, God is there all the time.  He’s around you and within you.  It’s a life where God is continually known, seen and heard.  It’s a life without […]

THE GLORY OF GOD – November 2, 2016

by Lisa Gordon

Good morning glorious ones! We’re living in a very interesting time in history ~ the time period in which the Lord Jesus Christ will return to gather His Church and set up His kingdom on the earth.  That might not seem like a reality to those who don’t know Him, but for believers who are […]


by Lisa Gordon

Good morning wise ones! Proverbs 4:7 says, WISDOM IS THE PRINCIPLE THING;  Therefore get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding. One way you can tap into the WISDOM OF GOD  is through praying in tongues.  This most precious gift enables you to pray things you don’t even know about and gives you access […]